On Saturday, October 2nd at 10 AM, Bill and I parked in Pennsylvania and embarked on the stupidest and most painful thing I've voluntarily done. We did it though.
We begin
When walking was still fun and we had energy for silly pictures.
Half way done at 6:30 PM, only 21 more miles to go. We ate "dinner" (pita, pepperoni stick, peanutbutter, and raisen bread...dumb) at the first Washington Monument, errected by the citizens of Boonsville in 1827.
About 24 miles in we came upon the South Mountain Inn. Bill had some history here, but it was my first "Uncle Bretsky". And we actually met Uncle Bretsky (pictured). I think we made his week when we ordered 2 of his special, which can be found in many area lean-to log books. We departed around 8 PM
2AM - Trying to get some energy to keep moving. We had about 5 more miles to go from this point and no place to bail out had we wanted to.
We limped into Harpers Ferry WV at 5:30 AM. We finished in 19 1/2 hours. This pic was taken at 6:30 AM. After I fell asleep under a bush in someone's front yard for about an hour, Bill found a ranger who let us into a bathroom where we finally got warm and were conviced that we would live. Sure, light packs and energy food...