Of course, our primary character - look at that noggin!
Good friend from high school, Mike
Jay, Clara, Iris and the wayward bandana
4 of my nieces get to try the "fabled" mineral water of Saratoga
Aunt Susie and fiance Damian
Al, Lisa and matching outfits - thanks Lisa!
Great-gram Milne/Aldrich
Grandma Milne
My family has been close friends with the Whiteheads since I was born and Rae was my kindegarten teacher. They play host often to many get togethers and somehow we managed to have a good time sans silent movies from Dave's childhood.
We got a breath of fresh air visiting long-time friends Dave, Kristy, and Luke and their amazing garden! I know who to call when I have a yard someday.
We stopped by the Philly area on the way home and had a great time with Allison's grandparents, George and Pat Terrell.
If you are still looking at this huge post, it has ended, but as I have become an annoying digitalpicturetakingfather there are many more images I'll post in subsequent days.
Iris is adorable...and I just love the shot of her executing a rather difficult yoga position (the back bend). Thanks for sharing- miss you much!
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