Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yes we can!

Does this need to be reiterated?....for a blog with DC in the title, yes it does…
Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, the feel of President elect Obama’s victory was …(which word haven’t I heard a thousand times?)…right. The American people got it right this time and we matured as a nation in my opinion.

The optimism in DC was palpable on November 4th and still is. It was a beautiful and emotional thing to watch my kids get excited about the political process and see themselves represented in the highest office. Enough blathering, here are a few photos.
A bunch of blank white boards set up in front of the Lincoln Memorial for people to "write" to Obama.

I signed a supporting 2x4

This was Iris's 1st time seeing Lincoln.

1 comment:

Scott and Kirstin said...

yay!!!!!! isn't it great to talk to students of color about this election?! i spoke to a student and came back to my office and got teary just telling my co-counselor about it!