Al went into labor around 6 pm on the 18th. At midnight we began timing contractions and about 3 hours later we went to the hospital.
I frantically consulted my resources.
What happened between 3am and 11:49 am I find perplexing to put into words, so I won't try. I am just increasingly amazed at the fortitude of my wife when I go over it again and again in my head.
Now, onto the pics, you didn't log on to hear me muse.
The 7 lb 7 oz Iris that I made reference to in the previous post compared to her cousin Clara's 9 lbs 4 oz.
Very alert and nice and pink at birth
Photogenic right out of the womb!
Great pics...Congrats again, and thanks for featuring Clara's birth on the blog.
sure thing, when are you making your blog?
not sure...when I get some time.
That is some kickass birthin, Al. Way to go!!
Iris is a beautiful girl - thx for starting the blog, it'll be fun to chart her progress.
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