OLD Place
Got lots of comments this weekend about the 3, er, 2 pregnant ladies...
Our living room/bedroom from our kitchen on 454 M St., taken when a buddy, Matt, visited from Buffalo.

Nice big kitchen
M Street from our apartment
New Place
Not completely unpacked but getting there (I spy Ian's eye...)
little kitchen
little back patio
Nice to see the new place! Ready for baby=) MomM/Mimi
The new place looks nice...
as far as the pregnant blast goes...I'm protecting my sixpack and now I officially outweigh you Ian (not Al or Lisa) by about 60 lbs. Watch it...big brother can(will) lay down the smack, plus I can pull your hair if in a pinch.
nice pics of your apartment and neighborhood! what we really want to see is that baby though, so get out for more walks today! :)
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